Sti:okDatasheet > Semiconductor blad > ROHM Datasheet > ROHM-1

10FS BA7606F BA17808T DTC144WKA BU9831 DTC115TSA SST2222A BA3430F LB-603MP BU4052BC DTC115TKA BA7274S DTA125TSA BA6404F BR24C08FV BA6920FP-Y 2SD2114K BH3562F DTC124ECA DTA143XSA BP5302 BA3838F RPI-574 KF2003-GD10A 2SC1740S BA6477FS BA3823LS BA6859AFP

ROHM Datablade Catalog-1

Del NejFabrikantAnvendelse
LB-203VB ROHM"High efficiency, three-digit numeric display"
BA6162 ROHMReset IC with battery backup function
BA6110FS ROHMVoltage controlled operational amplifier
BA7606F ROHMVideo signal switcher
BA17808T ROHM5V regulator
DTC144WKA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
BU9831 ROHMNon-volatile electronic potentiometer
DTC115TSA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistor)
SST2222A ROHM"NPN medium power, switching transistor"
BA3430F ROHMStereo pre-amplifier with mute detection circuit for car stereos
LB-603MP ROHM"High efficiency, three-digit numeric display"
BU4052BC ROHMDual 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer
DTC115TKA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistor)
BA7274S ROHM4-channel video-signal PRE/REC amplifier
DTA125TSA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistor)
BA6404F ROHM2-phase half-wave motor predriver
BR24C08FV ROHMI2C BUS compatible serial EEPROM
BA6920FP-Y ROHMReversible motor driver
2SD2114K ROHMNPN silicon high-current gain medium power transistor
BH3562F ROHMPost amplifier application with 1-bit D/A converter
DTC124ECA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
DTA143XSA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistors)
BP5302 ROHMPower supply unit for LCD
BA3838F ROHMVocal fader IC
RPI-574 ROHM"Photointerrupter, encased type"
KF2003-GD10A ROHMCompact medium speed thick film thermal printhead (8 dot/mm)
2SC1740S ROHM"50V, 0.15A general purpose transistor"
BA6477FS ROHMFDD spindle motor driver
BA3823LS ROHM5-channel stereo graphic equalizer
BA6859AFP ROHM3-phase motor driver for CD-ROM

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