Sti:okDatasheet > Semiconductor blad > Usha Datasheet > Usha-5

6 D400/08 T100/12 MPSA93 2SC388 PBD45/14 PBT56/10 2N6292 D570/43 T150/10 MJ2955 DCR1475/28 PBD55/16 D12/12 DCR1278/40 D240/04 T500/12 T300/06 DCR1275/26 2SD1616 BU204 USP5172 D320/16 T320/06 T430/29 T100/10 T70/08 PBH56/14

Usha Datablade Catalog-5

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1N5833 UshaSwitchmode power rectifier schottky diode. Ideally suited for use as rectifiers in low voltage. High frequency invertors. Free wheeling diodes and polarity protection diodes. Vrrm = 30V. Vrsm = 36V.
BD244C UshaPNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vcb = 100Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 6Adc, PD = 65W.
T280/16 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 1600V, Vrsm = 1700V.
D400/08 UshaRectifier diode. Vrrm = 800V, Vrsm = 900V. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable and half-controlled rectifiers.
T100/12 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V.
MPSA93 UshaHigh voltage transistor. Vcbo = -200V, Vceo = -200V, Vebo = -5V, Ic = -500mA, Pc = 625mW.
2SC388 UshaTransistor. TV final picture IF amplifier applications . Collector-base voltage Vcbo = 30V. Collector-emitter voltage Vceo = 25V. Emitter-base voltage Vebo = 4V. Collector dissipation Pc(max) = 300mW. Collector current Ic = 50mA.
PBD45/14 UshaMoulded module assembly(diode-diode module). Vrrm = 1400V, Vrsm = 1500V. Non controllable rectifiers for AC/AC convertors, field supply for DC motors, line rectifiers for transistorized AC motor controllers.
PBT56/10 UshaMoulded module assembly(thyristor-thyristor module). Vrrm = 1000V, Vrsm = 1100V. DC motor control, temperature control, professional light dimming.
2N6292 UshaSilicon plastic power NPN transistor. General-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 70Vdc, Vcb = 80Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 7Adc, Ib = 3Adc, PD = 40W.
D570/43 UshaRectifier diode. Vrrm = 4300V, Vrsm = 4400V. All purpose high power rectifier diodes. Non-controllable rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes.
T150/10 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 1000V, Vrsm = 1100V.
MJ2955 UshaSilicon power transistor. General purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vcer = 70Vdc, Vcb = 100Vdc, Veb = 7Vdc, Ic = 15Adc, Ib = 7Adc.
DCR1475/28 UshaThyristor. Vrrm = 2800V, Vrsm = 2900V. D.C. motors control, controlled rectifiers, high power drives.
PBD55/16 UshaMoulded module assembly(diode-diode module). Vrrm = 1600V, Vrsm = 1700V. Non controllable rectifiers for AC/AC convertors, field supply for DC motors, line rectifiers for transistorized AC motor controllers.
D12/12 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, Non-controllable rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes. Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V.
DCR1278/40 UshaThyristor. Vrrm = 4000V, Vrsm = 4100V. D.C. motors control, controlled rectifiers, high power drives.
D240/04 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable and half controlleed rectifiers. Vrrm = 400V, Vrsm = 500V.
T500/12 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 1200V, Vrsm = 1300V.
T300/06 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V.
DCR1275/26 UshaThyristor. Vrrm = 2600V, Vrsm = 2700V. D.C. motors control, controlled rectifiers, high power drives.
2SD1616 UshaTransistor for audio frequency power amplifier
BU204 UshaNPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of large screen colour deflection circuits. 2.5Amp, 1300V, 36Watt.
USP5172 UshaAmplifier transistor. Vcbo = 25V, Vceo = 25V, Vebo = 5V, Ic = 100mA, Pc = 625mW
D320/16 UshaRectifier diode. All purpose high power rectifier diodes, non-controllable rectifiers. Free-wheeling diodes. Vrrm = 1600V, Vrsm = 1700V.
T320/06 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 600V, Vrsm = 700V.
T430/29 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 2900V, Vrsm = 3000V.
T100/10 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 1000V, Vrsm = 1100V.
T70/08 UshaThyristor. D.C. motor control, controlled rectifiers, A.C. controllers. Vrrm = 800V, Vrsm = 900V.
PBH56/14 UshaMoulded module assembly(thyristor-diode module). Vrrm = 1400V, Vrsm = 1500V. DC motor control, temperature control, professional light dimming.

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