Sti:OKDatasheet > Semiconductor blad > ADI Datasheet > AD7111BQ
AD7111BQ spec: +7V; LC2MOS LOGDAC logarythmic D/A converter. For audio attenuators, sonar systems, function generators and digitally controlled AGC system
Sti:OKDatasheet > Semiconductor blad > ADI Datasheet > AD7111BQ
AD7111BQ spec: +7V; LC2MOS LOGDAC logarythmic D/A converter. For audio attenuators, sonar systems, function generators and digitally controlled AGC system
Fabrikant : ADI
Packing : CERDIP
Pins : 16
Temperature : Min -40 °C | Max 85 °C
Størrelse : 172 KB
Anvendelse : +7V; LC2MOS LOGDAC logarythmic D/A converter. For audio attenuators, sonar systems, function generators and digitally controlled AGC system