Sti:okDatasheet > Semiconductor blad > KEC Datasheet > KEC-33
187 KID65084AP KDR721S KTA1241 KTC3209 E30A3CS KDZ3.0V KIA78D37F KRA571U SMAB16 KRA768E KRC667E KIA317P KF454BV KDV1430A KDV251ES KTB764 KDV147A KTC2020D KTD1304 SMAB13 KRC113M KRC830U KF478B BC850C KIA75S558F KIA78L07F KDZ24EV
KEC Datablade Catalog-33
Del Nej | Fabrikant | Anvendelse |
KTC3113 | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
B10A45VI | KEC | Schottky barrier diode for switching type power supply applications, converter and chopper applications |
KDS187 | KEC | Silicon diode for ultra high speed switching applications |
KID65084AP | KEC | Darlington Driver |
KDR721S | KEC | Schottky Barrier Diode |
KTA1241 | KEC | PNP transistor for strobo flash applications and high current applications |
KTC3209 | KEC | NPN transistor for power amplifier and power switching applications |
E30A3CS | KEC | Alternator Diode (Positive) |
KDZ3.0V | KEC | 3.0V zener diode for constant voltage regulation applications and reference voltage applications |
KIA78D37F | KEC | 1A Low Drop Voltage Regulator |
KRA571U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
SMAB16 | KEC | Schottky Barrier Diode |
KRA768E | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KRC667E | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIA317P | KEC | 3-terminal 1A positive adjustable regulator |
KF454BV | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
KDV1430A | KEC | Silicon diode for FM radio band tuning applications |
KDV251ES | KEC | Variable capacitance diode (VCO) for C/P, CB PLL |
KTB764 | KEC | General Purpose Transistor |
KDV147A | KEC | Silicon diode for FM radio band tuning applications |
KTC2020D | KEC | General Purpose Transistor |
KTD1304 | KEC | NPN transistor for audio muting applications |
SMAB13 | KEC | Schottky Barrier Diode |
KRC113M | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in 22 kOm bias resistor |
KRC830U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KF478B | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
BC850C | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
KIA75S558F | KEC | Single Low Noise OP Amp. |
KIA78L07F | KEC | 7V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator |
KDZ24EV | KEC | Zener Diode |