Sti:okDatasheet > Semiconductor blad > KEC Datasheet > KEC-42
DZ12V E50A37VBR SMAB36 U5A4CIC KID65783AF KRC671E KRA311 KRC686T KTN2369A KIA78R10F KTC812E KF486BS KTC4081 KIC7SH08FU KTC3880 T3A6CI KHB0959A01 KTC4082 KTN2222U TIP122 KRC283M KRC655E KIA278R08PI KRC242S KF406BV KRA733U KIA8251AH BC847C
KEC Datablade Catalog-42
Del Nej | Fabrikant | Anvendelse |
KID65001AF | KEC | Darlington Driver |
KRC864U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KDZ12V | KEC | 12V zener diode for constant voltage regulation applications and reference voltage applications |
E50A37VBR | KEC | Alternator Diode (Negative) |
SMAB36 | KEC | Schottky Barrier Diode |
U5A4CIC | KEC | Ultra Fast Recovery Rectifier Diode |
KID65783AF | KEC | High Voltage Source Driver |
KRC671E | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KRA311 | KEC | PNP transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in 10 kOm bias resistor |
KRC686T | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KTN2369A | KEC | NPN transistor for high speed switching applications |
KIA78R10F | KEC | 1A 5-Terminal Low Drop(ON/OFF Controllable) |
KTC812E | KEC | General Purpose Transistor |
KF486BS | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
KTC4081 | KEC | NPN transistor for high frequency applications and VHF band amplifier applications |
KIC7SH08FU | KEC | 2 Input AND Gate |
KTC3880 | KEC | NPN transistor for high frequency low noise amplifier applications and VHF band amplifier applications |
T3A6CI | KEC | AC Switching |
KHB0959A01 | KEC | CT1 |
KTC4082 | KEC | NPN transistor for high frequency applications and TV tuner, VHF oscillator applications |
KTN2222U | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
TIP122 | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, hammer driver and pulse motor driver applications |
KRC283M | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KRC655E | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIA278R08PI | KEC | 2A 4-Terminal Low Drop(ON/OFF Controllable) |
KRC242S | KEC | NPN transistor for high current switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (2.2 and 2.2 kOm). |
KF406BV | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
KRA733U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIA8251AH | KEC | Max power 30W BTL x 4ch audio power amplifier |
BC847C | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications |