Sti:okDatasheet > Semiconductor blad > ADI Datasheet > ADI-153

539KD ADR291GR AD7854 OP471GP ADM232LAQ SSM2412S AD539JN SDC1742 OP270 AD7243AQ AD605-EB ADG509A AD7534JN AD7945ARS-B AD8041AR-REEL7 AD8036-EB AD8531AKS ADSP-2105BP-55 AD600SQ/883B AD633AR-REEL7 AD7482BST AD7397 AD7580KP DAC8222BTC/883 AD8801 AD515A ADM9690AR AD590JH AD7245

ADI Datablade Catalog-153

Del NejFabrikantAnvendelse
ADSP-2188NBCA-320 ADI0.3-2.2V; instruction rate 80MHz; DSP microcomputer
AD539KD ADI5V wideband dual-channel linear multiplier/divider. For precise high bandwidth AGC and VGA systems, voltage-controlled filters, video-signal processing
ADR291GR ADI18V; low noise micropower precision voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, precision reference for 3 or 5V systems
AD7854 ADI3 V to 5 V Single Supply, 200 kSPS, 12-Bit, Parallel Sampling ADC
OP471GP ADI18V; 25mW; high-speed, low noise quad operational amplifier
ADM232LAQ ADINominal+5V; CMOS RS-232 driver/receiver. For computers, peripherals, modems, printers, instruments
SSM2412S ADI20V; 20mA; audio dual analog switche
AD539JN ADI5V wideband dual-channel linear multiplier/divider. For precise high bandwidth AGC and VGA systems, voltage-controlled filters, video-signal processing
SDC1742 ADI12- and 14-Bit Hybrid Synchro/Resolver-to-Digital Converters
OP270 ADIDual Very Low Noise Precision Operational Amplifier
AD7243AQ ADI12-Bit serial DACPORT +/- 1 LSB
AD605-EB ADI6.5V; 1.2-1.4W; dual, low-noise, single-supply variable gain amplifier. For ultrasound and sonar time-gain control, high performance AGC systems
ADG509A ADIDifferential 4-Channel Analog Multiplexer (Superior DG509A Replacement)
AD7534JN ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS uP-compatible 14-bit DAC. For microprocessor based control systems, digital audio reconstruction
AD7945ARS-B ADI0.3-6V; 450mW; multiplying 12-bit DAC. For battery-powered instrumentation, laptop computers, upgrades for all 754x serial DACs (5V Designs)
AD8041AR-REEL7 ADI12.6V; 160MHz rail-to-rail amplifier with disable. For power sensitive high speed systems, video switches, distribution amplifiers, A/D driver
AD8036-EB ADI12.6V; 0.9-1.3W; low distortion, wide bandwidth voltage feedback clamp amplifier. For ADC buffer, IF/RF signal processing and high quality imaging
AD8531AKS ADI7V; low, 250mA output single-supply amplifier. For multimedia audio, LCD driver
ADSP-2105BP-55 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=0.5K, program memory=1K, 13.824 MHz
AD600SQ/883B ADIGain range0 to 40dB ;+-7.5V; 600mW; daual, low noise, wideband variable gain amplifier. For ultrasound and sonar time-gain control, high performance audio and RF AGC systems and signal measurement
AD633AR-REEL7 ADILow cost analog multiplier
AD7482BST ADI0.3-7V; 12-bit, 3MSPS SAR ADC
AD7397 ADIDual Parallel-Input 10-Bit DAC
AD7580KP ADI-0.3 to +7.0V; 450mW; LC2MOS 10-bit sampling A/D converter
DAC8222BTC/883 ADI0-17V; 12-bit double-bufferd multiplying CMOS D/A converter. For robotics/process control/automation, automatic test equipment
AD8801 ADIOctal 8-Bit TrimDAC with Power Shutdown
AD515A ADIMonolithic Precision, Low Power FET-Input Electrometer Op Amp
ADM9690AR ADI0.3-6V; 200mA; 400mW; power supply and swatchdog timer monitoring circuit
AD590JH ADITwo-terminal IC temperature transducer
AD7245 ADI-0.3, +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS 12-bit DACPORT

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