Sti:okDatasheet > Semiconductor blad > ADI Datasheet > ADI-159
7376AN10 AD7306 AD9760AR50 ADSP-2171 ADEL2020AR-20 AD1803JRU AD7862BR-3 JM38510/13901BIA ADG419BN AD7541ASQ AD7893AR-10 AD7512DIKQ ADM238LAN AD652BQ AD8151-EVAL AD9243AS AD5011 AD7547BQ AD8182AR-REEL7 AD712TQ AD7843ARU-REEL7 ADSP-2183KST-160 AD569SD AD2S81ALP ADM706PAR ADM8696 AD
Del Nej | Fabrikant | Anvendelse |
ADG527AKN | ADI | 44V; 20-40mA; 470mW; CMOS latched 8-/16-channel analog multiplexer |
AD589SH | ADI | OutputV1.235V; 125mW; 10mA; 2-terminal IC 1.2V reference |
AD7376AN10 | ADI | 0.3-30V; 20mA; operational digital potentiometer. For mechanical potentional replacement, instrumentation gain, offset adjustment |
AD7306 | ADI | +5 V Powered RS-232/RS-422 Transceiver |
AD9760AR50 | ADI | 10-bit, 125MSPS TxDAC D/A converter. For communications transmit channel basestations, set top boxers, digital radio link |
ADSP-2171 | ADI | 16-bit, 33 MIPS, 5v, 2 serial ports, host port |
ADEL2020AR-20 | ADI | 18V; improved second source to the EL2020 |
AD1803JRU | ADI | 0.3-4.6V; 10mA; modem/telephony codec |
AD7862BR-3 | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450-670mW; simultaneous sampling dual 250kSPS 12-bit ADC. For AC motor control, uninterrupted power supplies, data acquisition systems, communications |
JM38510/13901BIA | ADI | 18V; 500mW; internally trimmed precision IC multiplier for high quality analog signal processing and diffrential ratio and percentage computations |
ADG419BN | ADI | 44V; 30-100mA; 400mW; LC2MOS precision mini-DIP analog switch. For precision test equipment, pres. instrumentation |
AD7541ASQ | ADI | +17V; 450mW; CMOS 12-bit monolithic multiplying DAC |
AD7893AR-10 | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS 12-bit, serial 6 mS ADC |
AD7512DIKQ | ADI | 25V; DI CMOS protected analog switches |
ADM238LAN | ADI | Nominal+5V; CMOS RS-232 driver/receiver. For computers, peripherals, modems, printers, instruments |
AD652BQ | ADI | 36V; 50mA; monolithic synchronous voltage-to-frequency converter |
AD8151-EVAL | ADI | 10.5V; 4.2W; 33 x 17, 3.2Gb/s digital crosspoint switch. For high-speed serial backplane routing to OC-48 with FEC, fiber optic network switching, fiber channel, LVDS |
AD9243AS | ADI | 6V; 10mA; complete 14-bit, 3.0 MSPS monolithic A/D converter |
AD5011 | ADI | 2pair / 1pair ETSI compatible HDSL analog front end |
AD7547BQ | ADI | -0.3 to +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS parallel loading dual 12-bit DAC. For automatic test equipment, programmable filters, audio applications |
AD8182AR-REEL7 | ADI | 12.6V; 0.9-1.6W; 750MHz, 3.8mA 10ns switching multiplexer. For pixel switching for picture-in-picture |
AD712TQ | ADI | Dual-precision, low-cost, high-speed, BiFET op amp |
AD7843ARU-REEL7 | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450mW; touch screen digitizer |
ADSP-2183KST-160 | ADI | 0.3-4.6V; DSP microcomputer |
AD569SD | ADI | +18V,-0.3V; 1000mW; 16-bit monolithic voltage output D/A converter. For robotics, closed-loop positioning, high-resolution ADCs |
AD2S81ALP | ADI | 14V; 300mW; variable resolution, monolithic resolver-to-digital converter. For DC brushless and AC motor control, process control |
ADM706PAR | ADI | 0.3-6V; monitoring supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems and computers |
ADM8696 | ADI | Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits |
AD1868R-J | ADI | 0-6V; single supply dual 18-bit audio DAC. For portable compact disc players |
AD639BD | ADI | Universal trigonometric function converter |